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Victory in Uruguay

Leftist president defies his own coalition, vetoes bill to legalize abortion.

The President of Uruguay, Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, has vetoed a bill passed by the two chambers of the country’s congress that would overturn the ban on abortion. Pre-natal infanticide has been illegal in Uruguay since 1938, and the left-wing Frente Amplio coalition that has a congressional majority sought to enact one of the most permissive abortion laws in Latin America. While President Vázquez, an oncologist by training, is a member of the Frente Amplio party, his constituent group in the alliance is the Christian-Democratic Party which proclaims as part of its platform an “absolute respect for human rights”. The veto sends the bill back to the congress, where the Frente does not have the two-thirds majority necessary to override the veto.

Unlike neighboring Argentina, where the constitution nominally declares that “the Federal Government supports the Apostolic Roman Catholic religion”, Uruguay has been an officially secular country since 1916 and it is considered one of the most secularized societies in Latin America. In the most recent census, only a minority of citizens — 47.1% — declared themselves as Roman Catholics. (23.2% declared themselves as non-religious theists; 17.2% atheist or agnostic; and 11.1% non-Catholic Christian). An editorial in the French newspaper Présent, relating the Uruguayan victory to its French readers, wrote that “Here in any case is the proof that even in a socialist country, secularist, crafted by freemasonry, not all hope is lost.”

Abortion remains mostly illegal in all of South America, except for Guyana (independent since 1966) and Guiana (which is an overseas region of France). Chile, however, is the only country in which abortion is illegal in all circumstances, whereas most other countries on the continent provide for exceptions such as rape or to preserve the life of the mother. Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Malta, and the Vatican are the only countries that maintain a complete ban on abortion. Germany, given the Nazi associations of the procedure, has also refused to legalize abortion but the prohibition is no longer enforced. Recently, however, pro-abortion groups in South America, backed by evil American billionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffett, have been pushing for the elimination of restrictions on abortion on the continent.

Published at 8:20 pm on Sunday 16 November 2008. Categories: Church Politics Tags: , , , .

Thank you, this is a very heartening story considering the situation in our own socialist, secularist country crafted by Freemasonry.

crusader88 17 Nov 2008 10:19 pm
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