What a marvelous affair it was! And damn jolly to boot. We all had quite the ball and enjoyed ourselves immensely. But where to start? Right, the beginning…
For we, the priveleged ushers, the day began at half 9 with a delicious champagne breakfast at the groom’s cottage overlooking the Abbey gardens. Rashers of bacon, Cumberland and Lincoln sausages, smoked salmon, and the obligatory champagne were an excellent way to commence a joyous day. Once all the delicious morning meal was done, twas time to don our garb.
Little Louis looked like a prince…
…and then treated us to his tiger impression.
Downside doesn’t allow weddings in the Abbey Church, so the ceremony took place in St. Benedict’s, the Parish Church of little Stratton-on-the-Fosse, the tiny hamlet in which the Abbey and School are located.
There’s the lucky man, shining on.
Miss Victoria Truett and yours truly.
Miss Rebecka Ramos-Winell, herself recently engaged, and Miss Philippa Turner.
Miss Truett again.
With all the guests inside the Church, the beautiful bride arrives.
A somewhat blurry view of the Nuptial Mass. By the special permission of the Bishop of Clifton, it was a Latin Tridentine Mass celebrated according to the 1962 missal.
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Brien.
Your humble and obedient servant guided the guests up the road…
…and they splendidly obliged.
Atop Abbey Road they were guided towards the Refectory by our own “Ishmael”, who we thought had a bit of the Artful Dodger about him in morning dress.
Miss Turner and Miss Dempsey.
Rob and Maria with the four monks who assisted with the Mass…
…and behind them the Great Tower of Downside Abbey, the Basilica of St. Gregory the Great.
The happy couple.
The Family O’Brien.
The Brambles and O’Briens.
Sisters and bridesmaids.
Alec sits to rest for a while…
…and “Ishmael” and I come and join him.
Miss Turner, Miss Dempsey, and Miss Hesser…
…and of course, the legendary Jon Burke.
Maria’s white dress radiates through a cloister window.
Abigail, Jon, Tori, yours truly, and “Ishmael”.
Matthew, Rob’s brother, the Best Man.
Tori and our dear friend Samantha ‘Fr. Sam’ Ferguson. She has that moniker because she’s studying to be an Anglican priestess.
The happy bride.
Jon Burke already set himself up with some wine.
The obligatory Groom’s speech. During the Best Man’s speech, Matthew presented the happy couple with a special nuptial blessing from the Holy Father, obtained through the efforts of our friend Liam who’s a seminarian in Rome.
The cutting of the cake. After that we all bid the Bride and Groom adieu as they highed off to an undisclosed location. Many folks then left, but a hardy band (namely “Ishmael”, Tori, Jon, Abigail, Matthew, Alec, Julie, James Whitehead, a colleague of Rob’s at the school whom we all took a liking to, and yours truly) carried on drinking the night away, only to discover we had, alas, drunk all the champagne. Eventually we made our way to the King’s Arms, the only pub in little Stratton-on-the Fosse and enjoyed some beer and jollity.
We soon made our way to the billiards table.
Alec showed himself quite proficient in the game…
…while “Ishmael” took a more leisurely approach.
“Ishmael” and Tor, enjoying the evening.
Eventually the locals joined us in sport, somewhat differently attired however.
But all good nights must have their finish and so, at a late hour and plagued by fatigue, we had to retire.
All in all it was a splendid affair. It was great to see so many friends in one place, especially those St Andreans who’ve graduated in the past few years, and for such a happy occasion. We all hope, wish, and pray that Rob and Maria will have a very happy and fruitful marriage. They are excellent friends to us, and they are best friends to eachother. God bless them both! Ad multos annos!
Ya’ll look so happy! Congratulations to you both! It made me very happy to stumble onto your website since I became a Catholic in England at Our Lady and the English Martyrs in Cambridge on Easter Night 2000 and because I am about to get married with a Tridentine Rite Wedding. Again Congratulations! I wish great happiness to you both.
why is john burke legendary? he is quite cute. what is the legendary status about?
I think I know these people