London, GB | Formerly of New York, Buenos Aires, Fife, and the Western Cape. | Saoránach d’Éirinn.

The First Sunday of Martinmas Term

Today is the first Sunday and term and so after breakfasting in hall (a modest meal of bacon, hash-brown, and apple juice) I donned the old three-piece and gown and hopped over to Chapel for the first service of term. Chapel was packed to the brim almost, a very good showing, and as the Principal entered the Chapel following the mace-bearing Bedellus he had a very self-satisfied chagrin on, and nodded to himself no doubt reflecting upon the ancient glories of our university.

We were sadly informed that a student had died over the summer, killed in a car crash in France. Strangely enough, the same thing happened the summer before last when a very popular student died in a crash in Provence.

Other than that sad news, the service was of the usual feel-good traditional mainline psuedo-Protestant ilk that they are at St Andrews, the most interesting interesting part of which was when the University Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. James Walker, announced that our new hymnals had yet to arrive owing to a strike at the plant in Finland where they’re printed. I ran into J.E.B. tweeded and gowned, as we were exiting the service and he inquired as to whether I was “seeking religious inspiration when I had my eyes closed during the sermon or whether I was just nodding off.” I will leave our readers to guess.

Afterwards, instead of the usual post-chapel sherry in the Hebdomadar’s Chamber, the Principal hosted a little reception in Lower College Hall (from which, photographs above and below).

This one’s a bit blurry, apologies.

On the right, our dear Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Brian Lang.

Bill, the Choirmaster and Professor of Music.

One of the attributes of one’s magistrand year (that’s fourth year to you outsiders) is that the red undergraduate gown is traditionally worn hanging off the shoulders. Bejants (first years) wear it properly, semis (second years) wear it back a bit, tertians (third years) wear it off one shoulder (off the right for arts, off the left for sciences), and for we lucky magistrands it barely touches the shoulders, hanging in a sort of slapdash way. I rather enjoy it though it’s a bit of a hassle trying to keep it off the ground.

After luncheon in hall (breast of chicken dressed in huntsman sauce with roast potatoes and a rather rich slice of chocolate cake for pudding), I hung up the old gown and trencher (see above) and headed over to the Students Union for the Societies Fair. Good place to run into people really. Abby, Jaimie, Liam, and Stefano faitfully manning the Catholic Society table, D. and Stuart signing newbies up for the Conservative and Unionist Association, and a good many other folks. I joshed around with Freddy St. Johnston upstairs for a bit while he handed out fliers for MUN, likewise that favored son of Kenya Harry Brainch, who’s on the committee of the Overseas Society this year (headed up by America’s own Whit ‘Spirit of Lawrenceville‘ Miller).

Parliamentary aide and sometime-St-Andrean Peter Murray once drunkenly bet me £50 in the Cellar Bar that I would one day be Convenor of the Debating Society. A foolish move on his part, as it was a bet it was more than easy for me to win; still awaiting payment. Nonetheless, I dropped in on the current Convenor Miss Laura Wilson who let me give her gown of office a try-on. Fit rather well actually (though I look a bit tipsy in the photo, taken by Miss Jennings).

I only joined the standard stuff really; Catholic Society, the Tories, and some new outfit which Rorie Evans has set up (free hooded sweatshirt with membership). Other than that, I’ve only signed up for the Boat Club and the Clay Pigeon Club. I’ve been a member of the Clay Club for four years now despite never having shot (it’s pretty cheap), but I think I really must at least once this year. I feel as if I owe it to Jonny Armstrong. He may have graduated, but his spirit liveth on.

Published at 8:39 am on Sunday 25 September 2005. Categories: Journal People Photos St Andrews.
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