London, GB | Formerly of New York, Buenos Aires, Fife, and the Western Cape. | Saoránach d’Éirinn.

La Rural 2024

The greatest event of the bonaerense calendar — nay, the entire Argentine year — is La Rural, the annual agricultural show of the Sociedad Rural Argentina. The silverine republic is a farming powerhouse and this show is probably second only in greatness to the annual Salon international de l’agriculture in Paris.

It is when the campo comes to town in all its glory, and mixes with the city-dwellers too. As the photographer Thomas Locke Hobbs put it, the crowd at La Rural is pretty much fifty per cent gaucho, fifty per cent Ralph Lauren.

Horses, cows, pigs, every beast of the Pampas, and every man that can ride, shoot, skin, or hunt it, manifests themselves somewhere here on the exhibition grounds in Palermo between the American embassy and the Plaza Italia.

Over a million visitors are expected across the ten days of the exposition, which are currently only halfway through.

Such are the glories of this great festival of Argentina’s living traditions I thought it worth sharing a few photos from the SRA’s own photographers.

And a gran saludo to the president Nicolas Franco Pino and all his team at the Sociedad Rural.

Published at 2:20 pm on Tuesday 23 July 2024. Categories: Argentina Tags: , , .

Bienhaiga el neoyorquino
Que de la gaucha tradición
Él trata y da su razón
Si lo trajo el destino
A mi suelo argentino
En sus años formativos
Letrado e informativo
Ducho del lenguaje inglés
El ingenioso Don Andrés
Alaba el gaucho altivo

Thank you for presenting the traditions of Argentina to the anglosphere.

Emmanuel Rossi 2 Aug 2024 2:24 am
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