Is die Amsterdamse stadsargitektuur die mees hemels in die wêreld? Winkels, huise, alles baie aangenaam. Burgerlik. (Ek moet teruggaan.)
Die Nederlanders het ’n samelewing met ’n semi-republikeinse mentaliteit maar met (amper) al die geseënde vrugte van ’n koninkryk. Beste van alle moontlike wêrelde…
A picture that all by its modest self manages to encapsulate everything about Amsterdam which makes it the world’s most charming capital city.
But why the Afrikaans? A patois much deprecated in the mother-country.
Afrikaans is a more highly evolved form of Dutch!
An eccentric viewpoint surely? And one the reasons for which I would be interested to learn.
An esteemed friend in Roermond claims that Afrikaans is what Dutch should be, except Dutch just stopped evolving.
(And yet, one can see the value in that.)