« …a fierce absolutist,
a furious theocrat,
an intransigent legitimist,
apostle of a monstrous trinity
composed of pope, king, and hangman,
always and everywhere the champion
of the hardest, narrowest,
and most inflexible dogmatism,
a dark figure out of the Middle Ages,
part learned doctor,
part inquisitor,
part executioner… »
— Émile Faguet on Joseph de Maistre
I think I like him already…
What can possibly have provoked this uncalled for attack upon one of the great thinkers of the counter-revolution?
Perhaps no more than awed admiration for Faguet’s impassioned and inspired polemic?
Faguet’s rant is so beautiful — how could I resist?
Of course, Maistre’s rants were even better.