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Angela Wrapson

In Rome the other week I was sorry to hear from a mutual friend that Angela Wrapson had died. She had been fighting cancer for a while, but she was quite a fighter and was one of those people you thought would always go on.

Angela was, amongst many things, a fixture of that strange yet familiar galaxy known as the Scottish arts world. She was, for example, director of the Stanza poetry festival for some years.

She was a keen listener, a good conversationalist, and a very welcoming hostess in the wing of Brunstane House that she and her husband George bought back in the 1970s.

From 2015 to 2017, George was the MP for East Lothian and I am still ashamed in those two years I never managed to reciprocate Angela and George’s hospitality by having them round.

Nonetheless, I was pleased to see she got the plaudits she deserved with obituaries in the Scotsman, the Times, and the Herald.

May she rest in peace.

Published at 12:05 pm on Thursday 7 November 2019. Categories: Errant Thoughts Scotland Tags: .

Dear Andrew, Thank you for this lovely obit for Angela. Her friends in Edinburgh miss her terribly. I’ll make sure George sees this.

Dorothy 20 Jan 2020 1:40 pm
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