Charles Coulombe takes on Europe and the Empire.
Thomas Marshall discusses the rising tide of Scotland’s SNP.
Andrew Cusack tackles an Afrikaans folk song and Anglosphere Union.
George Irwin ponders his move to Zululand.
In Bohemian Living, Lord Michael Pratt’s The Great Country Houses of the Czech Republic and Slovakia is reviewed.
And of course we have Thirty Facts About the Duke of Edinburgh.
Re the thirty facts about Prince Phillip – not mentioned is that in order to marry Princess Elizabeth he had to become an Anglican. He was previously a Greek Orthodox.
Hi, Andrew.
How is it that this online journal was conceived? What is its ‘mission’?
Seeing how you’re involved in several different endeavors (including editing a very prestigious print journal), what was it about this project that prompted you to participated?
Great reading! Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the bracing essay by Charles Coulombe, Andrew. I am glad to feature it at our Three Massketeers blog, and link your excellent resource.
Best, ‘Athos’