A young lass of Ulster claims I look “adorably marriageble” in this photograph.
Owing to the recent installation of the new Chancellor the University’s heraldic banner snapped proudly from the tower of St. Salvator’s Chapel. Sadly, the flying of this flag is a rare occurence, though I understand that heraldic banners ought properly to be of the proportions 1:1, whereas this one looks more like 3:4 or thereabouts.
I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful website. As a Canadian considering attending St. Andrews in September, I truly thank you for your wonderful insight!
Misproportioned or not, I much prefer the University flag to the rather slipshod effort that is the United College flag. For some reason this particular article takes the form of a shiled on a flag, which results in a surfeit of white around the edges. Most unpleasant.
You better snap her up because everyone else will be thinking you look like their dad.